Drinking diet drinks 'could increase your risk of developing type 2 diabetes'
Daily MailDiet drinks and artificial sweeteners that many use to cut their sugar consumption could actually put them at risk of developing type 2 diabetes, research suggests. Low-calorie sweeteners which are used in many diet drinks were linked to changes in bacteria in the gut that could increase the risk of diabetes Many people at risk of diabetes, such as those who are obese or already have high blood sugar, use diet drinks and sweeteners. The authors said their findings supported ‘the concept that such sweeteners worsen blood sugar control in healthy subjects' The findings are particularly concerning because many people are at risk of diabetes – such as those who are obese or already have high blood sugar – use diet drinks and sweeteners. The authors said their findings supported ‘the concept that such sweeteners worsen blood sugar control in healthy subjects.’ Scientists found just two weeks of high intake of low-calorie sweeteners was enough to significantly alter the make-up of bacteria in the gut.