The Chronicles of Narnia adaptations at Netflix to be overseen by Coco co-writer Matthew Aldrich
FirstpostNetflix has appointed Matthew Aldrich, co-writer of Pixar’s Oscar-winning animated film Coco, as the overseer for it’s adaptation of The Chronicles of Narnia, states The Hollywood Reporter. The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe — one of the most popular episodes in the series — depicts four children sent to the British countryside due to the World War II air raids. It will consist of a series of films as well as at least one TV show, overseen by 'Coco' writer Matthew Aldrich, that will be a mixture of direct adaptations of the books and original stories. — Film Updates Back-Up June 12, 2019 All series and films produced through the deal will be Netflix productions, with Mark Gordon of Entertainment One alongside Douglas Gresham and Vincent Sieber serving as executive producers for series and as producers for the films, adds the report.