When Scouting the Minor Leagues, It's Data That's the Clincher
12 years, 3 months ago

When Scouting the Minor Leagues, It's Data That's the Clincher


A college pitcher with a knack for numbers and his statistics-loving coach have found a way to mine baseball statistics that could help big-league scouts and managers more accurately assess minor-league prospects and bring better hitters to The Show. Predicting how minor-league players will perform in the majors is tricky because stats that matter in the Rookie league become less important as players advance to AA and AAA teams and into the pros. It's a Statistical Network Soccer Embraces Big Data To Quantify The Beautiful Game Analytics Reveal 13 New Basketball Positions Stats Prove Jordan's Olympic Team Beats Kobe's Post-Interception 'Momentum' Is a MythGuy Stevens and Gabe Chandler wanted to determine how you might assess how a minor-league player might hit in the majors before seeing him face a big-league pitcher. “We wonder here if hitters, less injury prone than pitchers, may be more predictable and therefore safer investments.” Their research found that, in evaluating minor-league talent, teams placed too much emphasis on whether the player was selected early or later in the draft.

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