Radio host blasts 'soft' Gen-Z festivalgoers who complained sharing water at Splendour in the Grass
2 years, 8 months ago

Radio host blasts 'soft' Gen-Z festivalgoers who complained sharing water at Splendour in the Grass

Daily Mail  

Radio host Tim Blackwell has savaged entitled Aussie festivalgoers for complaining about the unpleasant conditions at Splendour in the Grass. Radio host Tim Blackwell has savaged entitled Aussie festivalgoers for complaining about the unpleasant conditions at Splendour in the Grass Blackwell, 40, posted a screenshot on Instagram of a news article reporting that 'drenched revellers' had been forced to 'share small cans of water' during a six-hour wait for their bus ride back home. Blackwell, 40, posted a screenshot on Instagram of a news article reporting that 'drenched revellers' had been forced to 'share small cans of water' during a six-hour wait for their bus ride back home. Blackwell then took a swipe at The Guardian's music journalist Nathan Jolly, who attended the festival and wrote an op-ed likening the scene to a 'war hospital' A disgusted Blackwell responded: '"Like a war hospital."

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