Study Finds That Men Are Viewed As 'More Entitled To Orgasms' Than Women
Huff PostLOADING ERROR LOADING Research reliably shows that straight women statistically have fewer orgasms than any other demographic. Most women feel like they ‘had sex’ whether they experience orgasm or not,” sex therapist Kimberly Resnick Anderson told HuffPost. “Thousands of male clients I’ve spoken with about sex feel like if they don’t have an orgasm, sex doesn’t ‘count.’ Most women feel like they ‘had sex’ whether they experience orgasm or not,” Resnick Anderson told HuffPost. Many throw in the towel and deprioritize women’s sexual pleasure because they believe, like those who participated in the study, that “men orgasm more easily, whereas women’s orgasm means work.” There is some truth to that, Resnick Anderson said. “One reason men ‘expect’ to have orgasms is because their capacity to experience orgasm is much more reliable than women,” she said.