If You're About To Leave Your Job, Delete These 5 Things From Your Computer
Huff Postcalvindexter via Getty Images Deleting your personal files from your work computer should not be an overlooked step. “If I had worked on a big project that I was proud of, and wanted to use a deliverable from that project in my work portfolio, I would ask my employer for a copy for that purpose, and also ask them to provide written permission that I can use the copy for certain purposes.” But once you’ve double-checked what you can delete or take with you, here are five things you should ideally be wiping from your work computer so that you can leave your job in peace. “Generally speaking, if it is permitted in an employee handbook, employees should delete their personal files from a work computer/phone before they leave an employer,” Grama said. “If I stored pictures of my kids on my work phone, I would want to move those files to my own personal storage and delete them from the work device.” If you downloaded sensitive documents to print at your office, like your W-2 or other tax papers, be sure to delete those, too. “Highly recommend deleting personal files, tax documents, contacts and personal photos,” said Nick Santora, CEO of the security awareness training platform Curricula.