'SBI Can't Misinterpret RBI Circulars'- Madras High Court Holds Collection of Cash Handling Charges From Stamp Vendors Illegal
Live LawThe practice of collecting cash handling charges from stamp vendors who deposit money through treasury challans into the Government account must be done away with, Madras High Court has ruled recently, giving strict directions to the State Bank of India. "In the absence of any such specific direction or instructions from the Reserve Bank of India, the State Bank of India is not entitled to collect any cash handling charges from stamp vendors. Saying that SBI, Chennai is confused about the permissibility of such cash handling charges by its own Head Office, the Finance Department also submitted that with respect to transactions concerning government business, the agency commission is paid by RBI: "For every Government transaction, Agency commission claim for every quarter is prepared by each Agency Bank which is authenticated by the Treasury Officials for claiming the amount by Bank Authority from competent authority." Therefore, the court held that cash handling charges collected by SBI is impermissible and SBi has erred by misinterpreting the RBI Master Circulars: "Perusal of the Master Circulars relied on by the Second and Third Respondents /State Bank of India dated 01.07.2014 and 01.04.2021 reveals that the Second and Third Respondents are unable to establish that there is a direction / instruction / permission granted by the Reserve Bank of India to collect such cash handling charges on Government transactions.