2025 Prediction: World War 3, human evil, violence in the name of religion, nationalism; says psychic
Live MintSelf-proclaimed psychic Nicolas Aujula, known for his claims of accurately predicting COVID-19 and the Black Lives Matter movement, has revealed his predictions for 2025. While he foresees advancements and positive changes in some areas, he also warns of significant challenges, including a potential World War 3. He foresees horrific acts of violence driven by nationalism and religion alongside environmental challenges like flooding and rising sea levels. The year 2025 "is a year where there is a lack of compassion in the world, where we will see horrific acts of human evil and violence towards each other in the name of religion and nationalism,' the Daily Mirror quoted Nicolas as saying. Entertainment In the world of celebrities, Nicolas predicts challenges for Katy Perry, foreseeing potential marriage issues in 2025.