He Who Smelt It Dealt It: Farting Etiquette In The Workplace
7 years, 9 months ago

He Who Smelt It Dealt It: Farting Etiquette In The Workplace

Huff Post  

It seems like whenever I turn on the television I see a commercial for colon health, fiber supplements like Metamucil, and probiotics. I didn’t think I was anywhere near old enough to need that much fiber, but Bulletproof Your Job on this topic. This woman’s gas isn’t really the issue though, it’s how comfortable she feels in the office. If someone’s gas is making you uncomfortable, then the way that person handles her farting is an issue that they should have to deal with. If there is a medical condition they can’t control it may be a different story, but if your coworker is simply farting because she can, then that is incredibly rude.

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