Nipsey Hussle's Last Moments Detailed As Murder Trial Opens
Huff PostLOADING ERROR LOADING LOS ANGELES — Rapper Nipsey Hussle was gunned down outside his clothing shop in a calculated, premeditated fashion by a man upset over a discussion about snitching, a prosecutor told jurors Monday at the outset of of a long-delayed murder trial. Deputy District Attorney John McKinney said during his opening statement Wednesday that there’s “no doubt” Eric R. Holder knew in advance that he would kill Hussle. On Wednesday, Jansen said Holder was triggered and didn’t have time to cool off before he gunned down Hussle saying this is a case of “heated passion.” Former gang member Herman “Cowboy” Douglas, who worked at The Marathon, said Hussle didn’t use the actual word “snitch” while overhearing the conversation. He viewed himself as a mentor to Hussle, saying he was like his “little brother.” Douglas, 49, who wore a black jacket and T-shirt with Hussle’s image on both, said Hussle added that “I haven’t seen You need to take care of that.” Another key witness expected to testify is the woman McKnney said unwittingly served as Holder’s getaway driver, Bryannita Nicholson. McKinney said that “moved Eric Holder to a point of wanting to return to the parking lot and kill Nipsey Hussle.” McKinney said Holder told Nicholson “Drive before I slap you,” following the shooting.