Armin Laschet | The man who may succeed Merkel
The HinduLast week, 59-year-old Armin Laschet was elected the chairperson of the Christian Democratic Union, Germany’s ruling party. Mr. Laschet’s election is a significant development for two reasons: Germany goes to the polls in September, and Angela Merkel, who has led the CDU for nearly two decades, won’t be running for chancellorship again. Split down the middle That Mr. Merz lost is a sign that the party is not yet ready to break with Ms. Merkel’s centrism, which has served it well so far. In this increasingly fragmented polity, Ms. Merkel’s successor faces two challenges: hold the CDU together by keeping both the conservatives and the liberals within the party happy; form an alliance with a suitable rival so that the CDU-CSU returns to power post-September. AKK resigned, triggering yet another search for Ms. Merkel’s successor that has ended, for now, with Mr. Laschet.