Despite Biden's campaign promises, immigration reform is on the back burner
SalonWhen Joe Biden ran against President Donald Trump in 2020, he promised to fight back against anti-immigrant policies, including those that punished "sanctuary cities" and that gave more local authorities power to act as an extra arm of federal immigration enforcement. The 'Main Engine' of Deportation As a presidential candidate, Biden pledged to end Trump's historic expansion of local-federal cooperation on immigration enforcement because the partnerships — known as 287 agreements — "undermine trust and cooperation between local law enforcement and the communities they are charged to protect." The state's Democratic lawmakers passed a "sanctuary promise" law intended to reinforce immigrant access to social services and block local police from sharing information with ICE or detaining immigrants. Rose said that because Trump so polarized immigration enforcement and cooperation with local police, it's no longer "politically palatable" for Biden to continue those same policies.