Black People Are Dying Of COVID-19 At Alarming Rates. Here's Why.
Huff PostLOADING ERROR LOADING DETROIT — Greg Bowens stopped counting when seven people he knew well had died of COVID-19. “We haven’t dealt with social inequality in America, whether in education or job or incomes,” said Hedwig Lee, a sociology professor at Washington University in St. Louis who studies racial disparities in health. “People are living together in the same house to be able to stay afloat, and there’s children and maybe seniors, and everybody’s in the house, and so if it affects one, it’s going to affect everybody.” Residents of the Bronx, which is majority Black and Latino, appear to have roughly the same likelihood of catching COVID-19 as the rest of New York City but twice the chance of dying. “That affects mental and physical health and immune function in ways that could lead to higher risk of getting COVID-19 and having complications.” Policies such as educational and housing segregation and mass incarceration likely contributed to the higher COVID-19 deaths rates among African Americans. African Americans are not doing poorly because of their genes, they’re doing poorly because of the policies we’ve created that constrain their access to resources.” Former Detroit Health Department Director Abdul El Sayed said he hopes the coronavirus will encourage America to face up not only to its inequitable history and social policies but also to the fallacy of its ethos of rugged individualism.