After Kate Garraway revealed she wished she'd have held her late husband Derek Draper's hand more, others share the lingering regrets they have over lost loved ones
Daily MailWhen Kate Garraway's documentary about the final months of her late husband Derek Draper's life aired on Tuesday evening, the Good Morning Britain presenter was frank about her one big regret following her husband's death. In Kate Garraway: Derek's Story, which aired this week, the Good Morning Britain presenter told viewers that she had been left with regrets following the death of her husband Derek, from a cardiac arrest following his long battle with Covid, in January this year Kate, asked in the programme whether she had any regrets about her final months with her husband, she said: 'It is every single minute I didn't spend holding his hand because I had to write an email or take a call to fight the system that should be there to catch you when you fall'. In his 2017 autobiography, football star Rio Ferdinand discussed the regrets that lingered after the death of his first wife Rebecca from breast cancer in 2015 at the age of 34 In a film that accompanied the book, Rio Ferdinand discussed the lingering regrets he had after Rebecca's death, saying he wished he'd talked to her more Jane Murray, a bereavement counsellor at the end of life charity, Marie Curie, says regrets are often a natural part of grief. Hazel's book, Life's Good, about caring for someone with a terminal illness, is out now, lifesgoodbook.co.uk 'MUM IS STILL WITH US, BUT I REGRET NOT LOOKING FOR THE EARLY SIGNS OF HER DEMENTIA WHEN WE COULD HAVE HAD MORE TIME TOGETHER' Cass Helstrip, who works in PR, says she has regrets despite her mother still being alive, after she was diagnosed with dementia two years ago.
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