Not all black & white
Deccan ChronicleHe is revered as ‘stylish star’, ‘icon star’ by his fans. As they watch with bated breath the goings-on in Allu Arjun vs police saga, the Pushpa star appears to be making a statement through the clothes he is wearing ever since the police knocked on his doors. In terms of Allu Arjun’s colour choices, he tends to wear monochromes, a reflection of his simple bloke, who just thinks in black and white,” says Rina Dhaka, fashion designer. Similarly, when you think of Ralph Lauren, you’ll likely associate it with green.” Grilled for 4 hrs The Hyderabad police here on Tuesday grilled film actor Allu Arjun for four hours after he appeared before the Chikkadpally police for questioning in connection with the stampede that took place in Sandhya 70 MM theatre on December 4. Bunny thanks YRF for shoutout While Allu Arjun has not made any comment amid the events after the Sandhya theatre stampede, he returned to X on Monday night to express his gratitude to Yash Raj Films.