Apex Legends hit 25 million players in just one week, dominates battle royale game Fortnite
FirstpostIt seems Titanfall’s new free-to-play battle royale game Apex Legends might soon take wrath upon Epic Games popular online video game Fortnite. To latch on to the hype, the developer has outlined a roadmap for Apex Legends in the coming weeks including its first-ever e-sports tournament that will kick off tomorrow, limited edition Valentine’s Day ‘themed loot’ later this week, the start of its first season and a paid Battle Pass in March. While it’s surprising how Titanfall’s battle royale game gain such prominence within a week, analysts have predicted that Apex Legends could add about $100 million to EA’s revenue by March 2020. Fortnite, arguably one of the biggest battle royale game titles has over 20 million players as per data recorded by Statista as of November last year.