Who killed the influencer?
Live MintBollywood showstoppers are commonplace on Indian runways. “I think because of all the shit has come out into the open.” NO CHILD’S PLAY The influencer community has its roots in blogging, which emerged in the late 1990s. “I may collaborate with a hotel today but if my stay hasn’t been great, I will not blog about it because I don’t want to mislead my followers,” she says. “There’s no denying that a lot of people see writing blogs and social media posts as avenues to get those services, be it a free meal, hotel stays, spa treatment or free clothes,” he says. As Contractor, commenting on her appearance as a showstopper for Eka at LFW, says, “I might be influencing a lot of young people, but the essence of what I do is essentially fashion storytelling.” Contractor’s collaborators include home-grown designers like Rina Singh and Urvashi Kaur, and international labels such as Gucci and Dior, but she isn’t concerned about gathering followers.