Opinion | India’s education sector needs a quantum shift
Live MintThe quality of education has a direct bearing on any economy. While Prime Minister Narendra Modi had said on 26 September 2014 that there is no dearth of talent in India and “Mars success should be made an opportunity to make the world aware of Indian talent”, the ASER report shows Indian children have a huge learning deficit. The highly respected annual report, which collected data from 596 districts in India, shows that one in two students in Indian schools lack basic reading ability not just of their own grade but also of those of three levels below. This poor learning outcome in India is despite the Right to Education Act having been in force since April 2010 making eight years of education compulsory for children and the Centre floating schemes such as “Padhe Bharat Badhe Bharat”, apart from states’ efforts. In the Programme for International Student Assessment report of 2011, India is placed only ahead of Kyrgyzstan in learning standards in a survey of students from 74 countries.