#MeToo never set out to be balanced; movement aimed at making us confront biases on sexual violence and consent
FirstpostThe #MeToo movement in India has seen a furious resurgence, with survivors sharing their stories on social media platforms. Whether it is African-American activist Tarana Burke’s inception of #MeToo as a movement in the United States, or Dalit activist Raya Sarkar listing out sexual predators in Indian academia, which incited #MeToo in India, this campaign was always meant to be much more a viral hashtag. Social justice and criminal justice often go hand in hand, but as the Christine Blasey Ford versus Brett Kavanaugh case has shown us, criminal justice can, at times, let us down in heartbreaking ways. In the context of social justice, #MeToo as a movement is meant to force us to confront our own biases of what sexual violence and victims/survivors of sexual violence can look like. My inbox was flooded with messages from family members and acquaintances triumphantly linking to the article and saying, “See, #MeToo isn’t a balanced movement!” I responded to them by angrily saying that consent was revocable.
History of this topic

What’s behind India’s latest #MeToo movement in Malayalam cinema?
Al Jazeera
The Horrible Abuse Allegations Against Diddy Reveal the Legacy—and Limits—of #MeToo
Jilly Cooper recounts ‘terrifying’ attempted rape by a fellow author
The Independent
#MeToo advocates vow the reckoning will continue after Weinstein’s conviction is overturned
Associated Press
Met chief warns violence against women needs to be treated like terrorism
The Independent
Gender Question | Years after #MeToo lit a fire in our lives, a group of feminists look back at what it left in its wake
Hindustan Times
MeToo movement: A disturbing reality has been lurking behind women's stories. It's time to tell the whole truth.
#MeToo movement, it turns out, was just a fleeting moment
Al Jazeera
Channel 4’s Consent shows the #MeToo movement hasn’t gone far enough
The Independent
Column: Haunted by untold stories, five years after #MeToo
LA Times
Where the #MeToo movement stands, 5 years after Weinstein allegations came to light
5 years on, key #MeToo voices take stock of the movement
Associated Press
5 years on, key #MeToo voices take stock of the movement
The Independent
The Parts of #MeToo That Still Endure
Five years of Harvey Weinstein expose: How #MeToo reshaped media coverage on sexual abuse
Explained: How the #MeToo movement helped women around the world
Five years of #MeToo: A look at how the campaign echoed around the world
How a model’s account of gang-rape is sparking a new #MeToo moment in Nepal
The Independent
Johnny Depp v Amber Heard: What have we learnt from #MeToo?
The Independent
With the release of Beyond #MeToo by Dr Tanushree Ghosh, a rational storm begins
Deccan Chronicle
China's #MeToo victims face abuse, payback for going public
The Independent
Will academia ever have its #MeToo moment?
Al Jazeera
#MeToo, 4 years in: ‘I’d like to think now, we are believed’
Associated Press
#MeToo Take 2? Movement’s strength hailed amid Cuomo fallout
The Independent
Never Have I Ever’s Poorna Jagannathan: ‘I love the ferocity of the MeToo movement in India’
The Independent
Hollywood since the #MeToo Movement
The Hindu
#MeToo activists worry acquittal of Bill Cosby could wither movement's hard-won momentum
Whither #MeToo? Chilling effect of Cosby reversal feared
Associated Press
Whither #MeToo? Chilling effect of Cosby reversal feared
The Independent
Sri Lanka’s belated #MeToo movement starts from its newsrooms
Al Jazeera
When We Refer to #MeToo as a Movement, We Become Complicit in Diminishing Its Efficacy: Ghazala Wahab
News 18
The #MeToo movement needs to gain force across the world
Live Mint
Left out of MeToo: New initiative focuses on Black survivors
The Independent
Left out of MeToo: New initiative focuses on Black survivors
Associated Press
Re-establishing the relevance of #MeToo
Deccan Chronicle
Hope rises for #MeToo crusaders
Deccan Chronicle
'Woman Can't Be Punished For Raising Voice Against Sex Abuse' : Priya Ramani's Acquittal A Victory For 'MeToo' Movement
Live Law
#Metoo: I Was the Victim Who Had to Stand up in Court As Accused, Says Elated Priya Ramani
News 18
Priya Ramani acquitted in MJ Akbar defamation case: 'Happy and proud', 'watershed moment'; journalists hail Delhi court's verdict
#MeToo: Priya Ramani acquitted in MJ Akbar defamation case
Live Mint
'We won this': Twitter hails Priya Ramani's acquittal in MJ Akbar's #MeToo defamation case
India Today
Indian Woman Sued For Defamation Over #MeToo Complaint Against Her Boss Is Acquitted
#MeToo: Women speaking up against MJ Akbar required celebration, Priya Ramani tells court
India Today
On #MeToo anniversary, leaders say focus is on inequality
The Independent
On #MeToo anniversary, leaders say focus is on inequality
Associated Press
Importance Of The #MeToo Movement Can't Be Contested: Senior Advocate Rebecca John Argues In MJ Akbar's Defamation Case Against Priya Ramani
Live Law
#MeToo on screen: How documentaries like Athlete A, Leaving Neverland have foregrounded survivors' narratives
#MeToo in the age of coronavirus
Live Mint
Exploring Corollaries Of The "Me Too" Movement In India
Live Law
Leena Manimekalai on India's #MeToo movement, fighting defamation case: 'Absolute truth is my absolute defence'
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