MPs' unemployment benefit bill hits €400k, as 23 MPs quit politics early
4 years, 8 months ago

MPs' unemployment benefit bill hits €400k, as 23 MPs quit politics early

Dutch News  

In total 23 of the 150 members of the lower house of parliament have resigned since the March 2017 general election and many of them have claimed the special unemployment benefit for MPs, even though they quit voluntarily. Mayor Sybrand Buma, the former CDA leader is also thought to have claimed wachtgeld for three months before taking up the position of mayor of Leeuwarden. Marianne Thieme, former leader of the pro-animal PvdD, has not had a formal job since she stepped down voluntarily but declined to answer questions about the benefit, the Parool said. That followed the row over top-up payments made to VVD parliamentary party leader Klaas Dijkhoff to match the salary he had earned while a minister in the previous government.

History of this topic

MPs' unemployment benefit bill hits €400k, as 23 MPs quit politics early
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