Delhi Decoded: Is stubble burning the main cause for Delhi’s pollution?
Live MintWith winter setting in, air pollution levels in Delhi are on a constant rise. Siddharth Singh, an energy and climate policy researcher who is also the author of The Great Smog of India said that while stubble burning accounts for 50% of the pollution in winter months, on a regular basis majority of the pollution in Delhi is from internal sources. He said that while something needs to be done to control stubble burning in the winter months, steps need to be taken in the rest of the year to control pollution from other sources. “At the peak, which is going to happen from the end of October or beginning of November, at that time almost 50% of Delhi’s air pollutants is sourced through stubble burning alone. Delhi sees a spike in pollution levels in the winter months which government officials believe is due to the fumes from stubble burning in the neighbouring states.