Gamergate Goons Can Scream All They Want, But They Can't Stop Progress
WiredGames aren't very fun these days. There's a reason "gamer" has become a singular term in a way "comic book fan," "movie buff" and "TV viewer" aren't. An Existential Threat Forged in the fires of multibillion-dollar corporate interests, the modern notion of the "gamer" revolves centrally around young, middle-class men and their hobbies. But this image is increasingly at odds with the demographics of the people actually playing games: According to a recent study by the Entertainment Software Association, not only are 48 percent of people playing videogames today female, but there are more adult women playing games than boys under 18. Ultimately, the anti-feminist movement in games has a great deal in common with the religious right; in both instances, their fixations on "ethics" and "values" come down not to a desire for a pluralist culture with a wide array of perspectives and values, but one where anything less than the absolute dominance of their own perspectives and values is perceived as "oppression."
History of this topic

Gamergate’s Aggrieved Men Still Haunt the Internet
Anita Sarkeesian Hates Talking About Gamergate—but She Has To
Tech Companies Want to Tackle Harassment in Gaming
The dark threats and sexual abuse women gamers endure
The Independent
Toxicity in video games: Analysing cause and effects of abusive online behaviour
Retro Gaming's Misogyny Is Brought to Light After a Violent Tragedy
Harsh realities of being a professional 'girl gamer'
Can online gaming ditch its sexist ways?
Girl gamers: The women who earn six figures playing consoles on camera
The Independent
Women gamers battle misogyny, violence: Will they breach gaming industry's gender divide?
Sexist video games make you less empathetic towards gender violence
Hindustan Times
If you're a male geek who acts out macho sexist fantasies with video games, you've become a mainstream jock
The Independent
Girls keep out: Female video gamers face vile abuse, threats
Associated Press
The Player: Geeks are the new overlords. Great. Now can we get over ourselves?
LA Times
Men who harass women online are losers in real life: Study | IndiaTV News
India TV News
Twitter Targets Trolls With New Rules On Abuse
Gamergate's infuriating myth: Why searching for common ground is a big mistake
Gamergate's fickle hero: The dark opportunism of Breitbart's Milo Yiannopoulos
Online Misogyny Levels Up as Gamergate Targets Gawker
Pew: Gaming Is Least Welcoming Online Space For Women
Twitter is broken: GamerGate proves it.
GamerGate Fights Corruption in Journalism By Encouraging Corruption in Journalism
Gamergate controversy reveals ugly side of gaming community
LA Times
GamerGate explodes: Gaming journalists declare the gamers are over, but they are.
Zoe Quinn harassment: A letter to a young male gamer.
No More Helpless Damsels: One Gamer's War on Sexism
Art imitating life: How sexism in video games mirrors real-life gender imbalance
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