'I don't see you!' Anti-Trump fury gets re-directed at 'weak' Democrats
Raw StoryThe fury of many Americans at President Donald Trump's whirlwind first month in office has the Democratic Party in its crosshairs, a report revealed Friday. Salon spoke to protester Ed Goldman, who complained Jeffries' “leadership of the opposition has been weak.” “Jeffries and the Democratic Party writ large, as opposition to Trump, is legalistic and formalistic. "I would like to see people on the steps of Congress every day giving a daily report and talking to people directly,” the person said. Earlier this month, Jeffries said about an ongoing budget debate that he's still "trying to figure out what leverage we actually have," given they don't have control in the House or Senate. Activist Molly Ornati, who works for a local environmental organization, told Salon Jeffries was “not presenting a forceful energy of resistance and outrage to what’s going on."
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