HCS exam blues: HPSC’s short notice shortchanges aspirants
Hindustan TimesWhile several mistakes were detected in the question papers of general studies and various optional subjects of the Haryana Civil Services and Allied Services preliminary examinations conducted on March 25, the Haryana Public Service Commission allowed only a few hours to the candidates to make representations regarding the defects in the question papers. Even after being apprised of several inaccurately framed or erroneous questions in the question papers, the Commission did not extend the time for filing of representations by the candidates. The candidates were given instructions on the cover page of the question booklets, which said: "Candidates may give in writing any representation regarding the questions and answers to the centre supervisor just after the exam is over. The supervisors at the examination centres had also announced on March 25 that "if any candidate finds any type of error/mistake in any question or any given option/choice in the answer, he/she is advised to make a representation to the Commission and hand it over to the centre supervisor soon after the exam is over.
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