Input Tax Credit Is A Form Of Concession Not A Right; Bombay HC upholds Vires Of Time Limit U/Rule 117 of GST Rules [Read Judgment]
Live LawThe Bombay High Court recently held that the time limit prescribed under Rule 117 of the Goods and Services Rules for filing TRAN-1 form in order to claim input tax credit from the previous regime is not ultra vires to the Central Goods and Services Tax Act. Division bench of Justice Nitin Jamdar and Justice MS Karnik dismissed the writ petition filed by Nelco Limited after concluding that input tax credit is a form of concession not a right. The Goods and Services Tax Rules framed under the Act provide for filing of a form known as GST TRAN-1 for availing of such input tax credit. As a matter of judicial discipline, we will have to follow the dicta laid down by the Division Bench of this Court in JCB India Ltd." Furthermore, Court concluded that the time limit stipulated under Rule 117 of the Rules is not ultra vires of the Act- "With the advent of an entirely new tax regime, the earlier credit could have lapsed, but as and by way of concession it is permitted to be carried forward for a limited time.