Astronomers detect most distant cosmic object-英语点津
China DailyAstronomers have discovered evidence of the oldest and most distant cosmic event ever detected, a burst from a dying star that occurred 13 billion years ago, very soon after the birth of the universe. Astronomers say the high-energy gamma-ray burst from the dying star occurred 630 million years after the so-called Big Bang that is believed to have created the universe nearly 14 billion years ago. The discovery suggests the so-called Dark Age of the universe, the period after the Big Bang before first-generation stars could fill the cosmos with light, ended much earlier than previously thought. gamma-ray burst: a short-lived, localized, and intense burst of gamma radiation that originates outside the solar system from an unknown source 伽马暴 supernova: a rare celestial phenomenon involving the explosion of most of the material in a star, resulting in an extremely bright, short-lived object that emits vast amounts of energy 超新星 Related stories: 研究:35亿年后金星可能撞地球 Widespread water found on surface of moon 宇宙惊现'上帝之眼' Astronomers discover life-giving molecule (Source: VOA 英语点津编辑)
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