Unveiling the Ancient Secrets of Fireflies: Fossils Reveal a Previously Undiscovered Species Flickering During the Time of Dinosaurs
4 months, 3 weeks ago

Unveiling the Ancient Secrets of Fireflies: Fossils Reveal a Previously Undiscovered Species Flickering During the Time of Dinosaurs


A new firefly species, Flammarionella hehaikuni, has been discovered in Burmese amber from northern Myanmar. The fossil, only the second firefly species from the Mesozoic to be identified, is estimated to have evolved aerial bioluminescence 100 million years ago. The light organ, similar to those seen in modern fireflies, is located in the beetle's abdomen and is believed to have been used for defense and communication. The discovery sheds light on the early evolution of fireflies and the diverse range of firefly species that exist today.

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Fossil firefly trapped in Myanmar amber reveals mysterious origins of glowing insects
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