Delhi traffic police to withdraw 1.5 lakh challans issued on National Highway 24
India TV NewsNearly one and a half lakh challans issued mostly to those who were found overspeeding on National Highway 24 between August and October 10 are set to be withdrawn, the Delhi traffic police have decided. Commenting on the plan, a Joint Commissioner-level traffic police officer said, "Delhi Traffic Police is withdrawing about 1.5 lakh challans issued in two and a half months between August and October 10. Another Delhi Traffic Police officer said, "In fact, these challans were issued on National Highway 24 between Nizamuddin bridge and Ghazipur, which is close to Delhi-UP border." The reason behind taking the step is the PWD, which had put up a signboard of a speed limit of 70 km/hr while the challans were issued for speeding over 60 km/hr on the national highway, an officer said, adding the decision to withdraw challans was made after receiving a lot of complaints.