Sick of 'Animal Crossing'? Try 'Ooblets'
4 years, 5 months ago

Sick of 'Animal Crossing'? Try 'Ooblets'


In the sugar-sweet farming simulator Ooblets, regardless of how many sweetiebeeties you’ve grown or cupcakes you ate, at the end of every day, you hit a button that says “I DID GOOD.” Released in early access for PC and Xbox on July 15, Ooblets is a frictionless game. Ooblets’ world is a welcome one, where the player is free to farm, amass tiny ooblet creatures, accomplish silly quests, and drink beanjuice. The mayor, a bubblegummy overachiever named Tintsle, informs you that you’re free to fix up a shack, farm on its property, and gather some ooblets. Without Animal Crossing’s debt-obsessed raccoon, Tom Nook, Ooblets doesn’t inspire the not-good-enough feeling common in this genre.

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