Woman pays Rs 5 handling fee for her online delivery, later loses Rs 80,000 to scammers
India TodayIn a recent incident of cyber fraud, a resident of Mahauli fell victim to scammers, losing Rs 80,000. According to a report by TOI, the victim, named Shifali Chaudhary, revealed in her complaint that she received a message from an alleged delivery agent instructing her to pay Rs 5 as "handling charges" to receive her supposed courier. However, when Shifali attempted to make the small payment using the provided link, a staggering Rs 40,000 was deducted from her bank account not once, but twice. The fraudster, pretending to be ready to deliver a parcel to the victim, slyly requested a small Rs 5 handling fee through a link. They obtained the victim's bank details and more through the information provided via the link, which they subsequently used to siphon off Rs 80,000 from the victim's account.