Jimmy Fallon Works Aaron Judge Into A Political Burn For World Series
Huff PostLOADING ERROR LOADING “Tonight Show” host Jimmy Fallon celebrated Friday’s start of the World Series with a bit about special baseball cards issued for the occasion. Only this imagined set lists some unusual stats for players from the teams involved. For instance, the card for Los Angeles Dodgers catcher Will Smith notes a few typical numbers like hits and runs but also: “LA restaurants disappointed when he shows up for the ‘Will Smith’ reservation: 204.” The card for mustachioed New York Yankees catcher Austin Wells included the naughty factoid: “Number of pizzas of delivered in a porno: 14.” But the host saved the best for last when he showed the card for Yankees superstar Aaron Judge. But Judge had an even more eye-popping stat on the card, according to Fallon: “Number of New Yorkers who want him to be our new mayor: Everyone.” While much of Judge’s work experience is walloping a baseball, at least he doesn’t face charges of bribery, fraud and soliciting illegal foreign campaign donations like New York City’s current mayor, Eric Adams.