Katie Hobbs should try to veto her way to a Democratic legislative majority in Arizona
1 year, 10 months ago

Katie Hobbs should try to veto her way to a Democratic legislative majority in Arizona

Raw Story  

Seven weeks into her tenure as governor, Katie Hobbs is battling with the GOP-led legislature at every turn, and it seems unlikely that she’ll be able to accomplish much, if anything for the foreseeable future. While it’s only natural that Hobbs will be compared to Napolitano, a canny political operator who regularly ran circles around GOP legislators, there are significant differences that warrant a radically different approach to governing. And those extremists are trotting out all sorts of crazy ideas, like canceling everyone’s voter registration once a decade, training students to shoot guns, criminalizing drag shows, demonizing LGBTQ Arizonans, going back to the Stone Age to count ballots, overhauling elections laws to exact revenge on political opponents, limiting the power voters have at the ballot box and more. And if that’s how Republicans want to govern — or not govern, really — for the next two years, then Hobbs and Democrats should put that on display for every voter to see.

History of this topic

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1 year, 10 months ago

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