May 11, 2020 coronavirus news
CNNA man brought to the Novomoskovsky multipurpose medical center for patients with suspected coronavirus infection in Moscow, Russia, on April 30. The study, published in the European Heart Journal today, finds that men with heart failure tend to have higher concentrations of a certain enzyme — angiotensin-converting enzyme 2 or ACE2 — in their blood than women with heart failure. Higher ACE2 concentrations might lead to increased vulnerability to the coronavirus, the study’s authors suggest, but more research is needed, especially since the adults in the study were not Covid-19 patients. About the study: The new study involved measuring ACE2 concentrations in blood plasma samples from 1,485 men and 537 women with heart failure in 11 European countries. Overall, “in two large cohorts of patients with heart failure, plasma ACE2 concentrations were higher in men than in women, possibly reflecting higher tissue expression of this receptor for SARS coronavirus infections,” the researchers wrote in the study.