Golfer, 44, is left blind after wayward shot from fellow player smashes into his face and shatters his EYE
Daily MailA golfer has been blinded after an off-target shot by a fellow player saw a ball smash into his face and shatter his eye. Builder Leigh Powell, 44, of the village of Lydbrook, Gloucestershire, was enjoying a day on the green at his local golf club when he was suddenly struck by the wayward ball in June last year Mr Powell, a keen golfer of more than 20 years, was knocked out for more than five minutes - leaving other players thinking he was dead His eye was so swollen that doctors had to wait a whopping five months, until November, before they could see inside it properly to operate At a charity day at his local golf club on June 14 last year, Mr Powell was on the tenth hole when another player hit a shot from about 20 yards away which went off at a right angle straight into his eye. He was using eye drops 50 times a day and sleeping sitting up for months, just to get the fluid to drain Of the moment he was hit, he said: 'It was excruciating, I've never known pain like that, I was just screaming and screaming' At a charity day at his local golf club on June 14 last year, Mr Powell was on the tenth hole when another player hit a shot from about 20 yards away which went off at a right angle straight into his eye. Pictured: Mr Powell before the accident The pressure in his eye was recorded as being more than 100mmHg - when normal levels are around 21mmHg There was 'blood everywhere' when he was first hit, the 44-year-old said He is having to sell his home, with the £360 per month in universal credit he now gets not even close to covering his expenses. Pictured: Mr Powell at a golfing range The 44-year-old, who had full vision in both eyes before, can now only see daylight in his right eye Mr Powell had an operation in mid-November to fit a prosthetic lens but still needs another to reduce the size of his pupil, which has been left fully dilated He had to put eye-drops in 50 times a day to help get the swelling down and he had to sleep sitting up for months to help the fluid drain from his eye, waking every hour to put drops in.
History of this topic

Australian pro golfer to continue career despite being blinded in one eye by ball
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