China and US hope for tourism boom
China DailyUS participants interact during the show. Julie Stufft, deputy assistant secretary for Visa Services with the US Department of State, says China was the number one demand market for US visas and the US side is very eager to get back to that level. "For example, a Chinese student studying in the United States coming back to China a year ago would have needed an interview to get a tourist visa after studying in the United States. Today an interview would not be necessary and we would just process that visa," she says, adding that the US is also working on keeping the wait time for visas as low as possible and trying to accommodate a visa applicant from any country on a business trip to places such as Tokyo, Frankfurt or Paris. Geoff Freeman, president and CEO of the US Travel Association, says although there are things discouraging travel that are beyond control, the issue of visas and better customs experiences can be addressed through future efforts.