Adelaide Airport settles dispute with former disability discrimination commissioner over 'upsetting' security incident
ABCAustralia's former disability discrimination commissioner Graeme Innes has settled a dispute with Adelaide Airport over a "humiliating and distressing" experience with security screening. Key points: Graeme Innes says he was discriminated against at Adelaide Airport He lodged a complaint with the Australian Human Rights Commission Adelaide Airport has changed security screening procedures for people with disability Mr Innes, who is blind, lodged a complaint with the Human Rights Commission after travelling through Adelaide Airport with his assistance dog in May 2022. While the terms of the settlement are confidential, an Adelaide Airport spokesperson said security screening queue-management processes had been enhanced to provide greater choice and flexibility to customers living with disability. "By prioritising disability awareness training delivered by organisations controlled by people with disability, Adelaide Airport is helping its staff understand the issues that really matter to us," he said.