ANDREW NEIL: It's easy to mock the entitled know-nothing student protesters who couldn't find Gaza on a map. But they are useful idiots making common cause with genocidal Islamists who want to see Isr
Daily MailIt was the moment which underscored the absurdity of those behind the anti-Israeli student unrest that is currently sweeping through American university campuses. Clad in a keffiyeh, the Palestinian scarf that is now de rigueur garb for protesters — I guess some cultural appropriations are deemed OK if the cause is sufficiently Left-wing — one of the many young women leading the protests stood before the media outside New York's Columbia University on Tuesday. Protesters and spectators at a pro-Palestine rally at New York's Columbia University this week Officers detain a protester at the University of California during a pro-Palestinian protest These students were free to leave the hall whenever they wanted, wander down the road to the nearest Manhattan Starbucks and guzzle to their hearts' content. It is easy to ridicule entitled know-nothings who get a kick out of saying, in effect, 'Look at me — I'm just like a Palestinian refugee', who still couldn't find Gaza on a map after weeks of protest, whose only source for details of the complex and historic Israeli-Arab dispute is TikTok and who now believe the most important thing in their lives is something about which they weren't even aware less than a year ago. Protesters vandalise a door at the University of California during a rally in support of Palestinians in Gaza In the process it became acceptable to deny Israel's right to exist, to bar Jewish students and those who supported them from campus and even to claim that October 7 wasn't really that bad or, worse, was justified.