Placing a premium on improved education
6 days, 18 hours ago

Placing a premium on improved education

China Daily  

Qingdao has prioritized improving the basic education of its residents in recent years, including introducing a series of measures to enhance support for constructing a higher-quality learning system. In recognizing that achieving educational equity is tied to improving basic resources, Qingdao has significantly increased its number of school spaces and optimized the layout of campuses, providing residents with more diversified educational resources. Qingdao has recruited outstanding professionals for its teaching staff and implemented a five-tier training program involving new teachers, excellent young teachers, backbone teachers, renowned principals and educational experts. In another breakthrough, according to Tang Chao, director of Qingdao's Laoshan education and sports bureau, the district has focused on new quality productive forces in pioneering "education digitization". Laoshan district has issued a three-year action plan for the digital transformation of education, upgrading smart educational facilities in 41 schools and providing more than 30,000 students in grades 3-9 with free smart learning devices.

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Innovation, cooperation aid education in Fujian
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每日一词∣基础教育强师计划 plan to strengthen basic education teacher force
2 years, 8 months ago

每日一词∣基础教育强师计划 plan to strengthen basic education teacher force

China Daily  

日前,教育部等八部门联合印发《新时代基础教育强师计划》。我国现有基础教育教师1586万名,占专任教师总数的86%。 China's Ministry of Education, in collaboration with seven other authorities, has issued a plan to build a stronger teacher force for the country's basic education system. China has 15.86 million teachers of basic education, accounting for 86 percent of the total number of full-time teachers. 2021年11月18日,在上海市杨浦区平凉路第三小学的“教学助手”展示课上,老师在黑板上进行知识点讲解分析,显示屏上有学生们的人机互动结果和学习效果的统计数据。(图片来源:新华社) 【知识点】 基础教育在国民教育体系中处于基础性、先导性地位,高质量教师是高质量教育发展的中坚力量。近年来,国家持续加大对师范教育的投入力度,目前有215所师范院校、500多所非师范院校参与教师培养,基本形成中国特色教师教育体系。但师范院校的办学水平、保障水平仍待加强,办学条件有待改善。教育部等八部门日前联合印发《新时代基础教育强师计划》,明确涵盖提升教师能力素质、推动优质师资均衡、加强教师教育体系建设、深化管理综合改革等方面的15条措施,进一步加强基础教育教师队伍建设。 立足“十四五”、面向2035,《强师计划》目标任务包括两个层面:一是到2025年,建成一批国家师范教育基地,形成一批可复制可推广的教师队伍建设改革经验,培养一批硕士层次中小学教师和教育领军人才,完善部属师范大学示范、地方师范院校为主体的农村教师培养支持服务体系,欠发达地区中小学教师紧缺情况逐渐缓解,教师培训实现专业化、标准化,教师发展保障有力,教师队伍管理服务水平显著提升。二是到2035年,适应教育现代化和建成教育强国要求,构建开放、协同、联动的高水平教师教育体系,建立完善的教师专业发展机制,教师数量和质量基本满足基础教育发展需求,教师队伍整体素质和教育教学水平明显提升,尊师重教蔚然成风。 【重要讲话】 实现中华民族伟大复兴,基础在教育。 Education is fundamental to the pursuit of national …

每日一词∣基础教育强师计划 plan to strengthen basic education teacher force
2 years, 8 months ago

每日一词∣基础教育强师计划 plan to strengthen basic education teacher force

China Daily  

日前,教育部等八部门联合印发《新时代基础教育强师计划》。我国现有基础教育教师1586万名,占专任教师总数的86%。 China's Ministry of Education, in collaboration with seven other authorities, has issued a plan to build a stronger teacher force for the country's basic education system. China has 15.86 million teachers of basic education, accounting for 86 percent of the total number of full-time teachers. 2021年11月18日,在上海市杨浦区平凉路第三小学的“教学助手”展示课上,老师在黑板上进行知识点讲解分析,显示屏上有学生们的人机互动结果和学习效果的统计数据。(图片来源:新华社) 【知识点】 基础教育在国民教育体系中处于基础性、先导性地位,高质量教师是高质量教育发展的中坚力量。近年来,国家持续加大对师范教育的投入力度,目前有215所师范院校、500多所非师范院校参与教师培养,基本形成中国特色教师教育体系。但师范院校的办学水平、保障水平仍待加强,办学条件有待改善。教育部等八部门日前联合印发《新时代基础教育强师计划》,明确涵盖提升教师能力素质、推动优质师资均衡、加强教师教育体系建设、深化管理综合改革等方面的15条措施,进一步加强基础教育教师队伍建设。 立足“十四五”、面向2035,《强师计划》目标任务包括两个层面:一是到2025年,建成一批国家师范教育基地,形成一批可复制可推广的教师队伍建设改革经验,培养一批硕士层次中小学教师和教育领军人才,完善部属师范大学示范、地方师范院校为主体的农村教师培养支持服务体系,欠发达地区中小学教师紧缺情况逐渐缓解,教师培训实现专业化、标准化,教师发展保障有力,教师队伍管理服务水平显著提升。二是到2035年,适应教育现代化和建成教育强国要求,构建开放、协同、联动的高水平教师教育体系,建立完善的教师专业发展机制,教师数量和质量基本满足基础教育发展需求,教师队伍整体素质和教育教学水平明显提升,尊师重教蔚然成风。 【重要讲话】 实现中华民族伟大复兴,基础在教育。 Education is fundamental to the pursuit of national …

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