How our perception of time shapes our approach to climate change
2 years ago

How our perception of time shapes our approach to climate change


How our perception of time shapes our approach to climate change Enlarge this image toggle caption Rebecca Blackwell/AP Rebecca Blackwell/AP Most people are focused on the present: today, tomorrow, maybe next year. "I consider climate change the policy problem from hell because you almost couldn't design a worse fit for our underlying psychology, or our institutions of decision-making," says Anthony Leiserowitz, the director of the Yale Program on Climate Change Communication. And members of the House get elected every two years," Leiserowitz points out, "so they tend to operate on a much shorter time cycle than this problem, climate change, which is unfolding over decades." Sponsor Message "The benefits that we get today are more salient, and we want them more than benefits that may be larger, but will accrue in the future," explains Jennifer Jacquet, a researcher and associate professor of environmental studies at New York University who studies the psychology of collective action, including on climate change.

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