AIIMS PG Entrance Exam 2020 postponed amid coronavirus outbreak
India TodayIn view of evolving situation related to Covid-19 outbreak, the All India Institute of Medical Sciences has postponed the AIIMS PG Entrance Examination for July 2020 session and AIIMS Professional/Final Examinations 2020 schedule to be held in the month of May 2020. According to official notice, the revised dates for conduct of the AIIMS PG and Professional Exams 2020 will notified in due course of time through website Coronavirus outbreak: AIIMS PG Entrance Examination 2020 postponed The competent authority of AIIMS has decided to postpone the conduct of following entrance examination schedule in May 2020. Name of the exam: AIIMS PG Entrance Examination for July 2020 session Scheduled date: May 3, 2020 Remarks: The revised dates for conduct of the said examination will notified in due course of time through website Note: Please visit the website as all Important Notices/Corrigendum/ Addendum /Updates etc.