Twitter takes down Rajinikanth's Janata Curfew video for spreading misinformation
India TodayThe entire nation is gearing up to observe Janata Curfew on Sunday, as requested by PM Narendra Modi. As celebrities applauded PM Modi's idea, Rajinikanth joined the bandwagon and requested people to take part in Janata Curfew. In the video, Rajinikanth had said that India is approaching stage 3 and if people follow the Janata Curfew for 14 hours, it could stop the spread of coronavirus from stage 2 to stage 3. In his statement, he wrote, "With the Prime Minister calling for Janata Curfew on March 22nd, India prepares to avoid crucial Stage 3 community transmission of coronavirus in the country. Rajinikanth requested people to behave responsibly and wrote, "We don't want such a crisis in India and I urge everyone to rise to the occasion and participate in the Janata Curfew by strictly staying indoors and practising social-distancing.