Tamil Nadu BJP leader Annamalai whips himself in protest against Anna University sexual assault
The HinduIn protest against the sexual assault of a girl at Anna University in Chennai and wanting to oust the DMK government in the State, the Tamil Nadu Bharatiya Janata Party president K. Annamalai on Friday flogged himself in front of his house in Coimbatore, barefoot. Recalling his days as a police officer, he said: “I had investigated a 10-year-old girl’s rape case and the case ended in successful prosecution. Quoting the Chennai City Police Commissioner A. Arun, Mr. Annamalai wanted to know in what context the victim was quoted as saying the police action was satisfactory. If the DMK government has any intention to divert the issue to hide the truth, then it can only be considered that the government was also party to the crime,” Mr. Annamalai said.