Yantai gives all-clear after mass testing
China DailyThe results of samples collected from people and environments related to the coronavirus-tainted imported frozen food all showed negative for the virus, Yantai in Shandong province said on Sunday. Yantai was officially informed by other cities in the province on Thursday that samples from the outer packaging of imported frozen pork purchased from an enterprise based in Yantai tested positive for novel coronavirus. The city traced and tested all the places related to the batch of the imported virus contaminated pork including markets and restaurants and from all related places, as well as people who were potentially exposed to the virus in transportation, loading and unloading, unwrapping and processing on Thursday and Friday. By the midnight of Saturday, Yantai had tested 8,409 samples, of which 1,344 were from people and the other from related products, packages and environment, and all the results showed negative.