Why Young Thug is the 21st Century’s most influential rapper
BBCWhy Young Thug is the 21st Century’s most influential rapper Getty Images Young Thug in concert The Atlanta star has become his own genre; he is the sun king at the centre of rap’s solar system If you haven't heard of Young Thug, the chances are you've heard someone who sounds like Young Thug. The old rap line held that no biting was allowed was summed up by Wu Tang Clan’s Raekwon: “I don’t want no one sounding like me on no album.” A more equanimous view came from TS Eliot: “Immature poets imitate; mature poets steal; bad poets deface what they take, and good poets make it into something better, or at least something different.” Even someone as revolutionary as Thugger couldn’t have existed without his acknowledged idol, Lil Wayne, whose slurred codeine hexes splintered rap’s possibilities in a thousand directions. Getty Images Young Thug's rapping style owes much to his predecessor Lil' Wayne Young Thug’s breakthrough came with 2013’s Stoner. Getty Images Camila Cabello is one artists who has scored hits thanks to Young Thug's influence To date, his rap family hasn’t captured the full summation of what has made Thug immortal.