Commentary: I’m still hyper-vigilant about COVID. Why do I feel so alone?
2 years, 11 months ago

Commentary: I’m still hyper-vigilant about COVID. Why do I feel so alone?

LA Times  

California recorded a million new cases of COVID last week, hospitals are overtaxed, and it feels like everybody has Omicron — or knows somebody who does — as sickness, ennui and burnout already are defining the new year. For the first two years of the pandemic, “Don’t get sick” was the constant refrain. Better to just get it over with.” In this climate it’s easy to feel foolish if you choose to remain extra vigilant — as though everything you’ve come to believe about the virus is so much dramatic hand-wringing. When you walk by a gaggle of people at a crowded bar in your N95 mask, you see a collective look that says, “Lighten up.” Scrolling through social media can make you feel as if you’ve invented the pandemic from whole cloth. We threw ourselves behind the early pandemic rallying cry, “We’re all in this together!” and never quite stopped.

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