Over 109,000 people died from measles in 2017 — needlessly (Opinion)
CNNEditor’s Note: Kathy Calvin is President and CEO of the United Nations Foundation and Gail McGovern is President and CEO of the American Red Cross. Kathy Calvin Rebecca Hale/United Nations Foundation Gail J. McGovern Daniel Cima/American Red Cross In the United States, Europe and Latin America, we’re seeing more and more headlines proclaiming a child has suffered due to measles – a disease that is easily preventable by vaccination. Since 2001, the start of the Measles and Rubella Initiative, a global partnership made up of the American Red Cross, the United Nations Foundation, the World Health Organization, US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and UNICEF, we have dedicated our efforts to eliminate not only measles, but rubella and congenital rubella syndrome, as well. Join us on Twitter and Facebook The recently published report, Progress towards Regional Measles Elimination – Worldwide, 2000-2017, in the World Health Organization Weekly Epidemiological Record shows that over 109,000 vaccine-preventable deaths still occurred last year. With your support, the United Nations Foundation and the American Red Cross, along with other M&RI partners, pledge to continue to provide vaccines, training for health workers, technical assistance and community outreach and education.