Courts crack down on drones delivering drugs to UK prisons
The IndependentGet the free Morning Headlines email for news from our reporters across the world Sign up to our free Morning Headlines email Sign up to our free Morning Headlines email SIGN UP I would like to be emailed about offers, events and updates from The Independent. Read our privacy policy A specialist unit will spearhead efforts to stop drones dropping drugs and mobile phones into prisons. The crackdown aims to help disrupt the flow of drugs and mobile phones into prisons as the Government attempts to tackle surging levels of violence and self-harm behind bars. In one recent case drones were used as part of attempts to flood prisons with contraband worth around £48,000. Prisons Minister Sam Gyimah said: "We are absolutely determined to tackle the illegal flow of drugs and mobile phones into our prisons and turn them into places of safety and reform.
History of this topic

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