Snapdragon 8 Elite for just Rs 55,000: Is iQOO 13 too good to be true?
India TodayAmong all the latest flagship phones that have arrived or are yet to arrive, the iQOO 13 stands tall, especially when you factor in — price to performance ratio. Samsung’s next-gen flagship is rumoured to feature the same Snapdragon 8 Elite, but the base model might start at around Rs 80,000, with the Ultra variant expected to stretch past Rs 1.5 lakh. While devices like the Galaxy S25 Ultra are expected to offer similarly impressive displays, they don’t have a significant edge — at least not enough to justify such a stark price difference. In an age where many phone manufacturers have moved to Sony’s LYTIA sensors, the iQOO 13 sticks to the Sony IMX921 sensor for the main camera. Similarly, Apple’s ecosystem is a whole different ballgame, and the iPhone’s seamless connectivity with Macs, iPads, and AirPods is something that has been hard for brands like even Samsung to replicate, let alone iQOO.