Couple raise £50,000 to buy song rights to Last Christmas so they never have to hear Wham! hit again
Daily MailFor many its a beloved Christmas classic, but one couple hate Last Christmas by Wham! hit Last Christmas so much that they have already raised more than £50,000 to purchase the rights and banish the song from airwaves Last festive season she was talking to friends about how much she disliked it still - and how much she would pay to never hear it again, inspiring this year's online fundraiser. 'It started last Christmas - pun not intended - when we asked friends how much they would be willing to pay never to hear the song again. Tomas with the couple's three children August, 16, Julian, 10 and Ada, 7, who are supportive of their parents' fundraiser to rid the world of the Christmas hit single 'Then someone told us it was theoretically possible to buy the rights to the song and then take it of all streaming platforms! member George Michael, pictured in 1984, when Last Christmas was originally released and became a smash hit in the UK charts They said their mission has received backlash.