Cyclists’ hearing tool could help children with common ear condition
The IndependentGet the free Morning Headlines email for news from our reporters across the world Sign up to our free Morning Headlines email Sign up to our free Morning Headlines email SIGN UP I would like to be emailed about offers, events and updates from The Independent. Read our privacy policy Children with a life-changing ear condition could avoid surgery by using an innovative new kit available to use at home. Researchers testing a hearing kit usually marketed to cyclists found that it helped children with hearing issues caused by glue ear. Cheaper “bone conduction headphones” were tested by researchers to assess whether they could help children with glue ear. Researchers at Cambridge University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust said: “Innovative use of bone conduction headphones, a microphone and the Hear Glue Ear app, sent through the post to patients, is a novel, new and effective approach to the management of glue ear, and its resulting hearing loss, especially when families have reduced access to audiology or Ear Nose and Throat services, such as during the Covid-19 pandemic.” They added that parents comments showed children benefited from the kit at both home and school and in some cases there was an improvement to “pronunciation, behaviour and listening anxiety.” Researchers are calling for larger studies to assess the effectiveness of the kits.
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Four-year-old girl left with untreated glue ear and hearing loss for over year
The IndependentHealth: It's a miserable life when the volume's turned down: Researchers hope to find alternatives to surgery for treating severe glue ear in children, writes Christopher Mowbray
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